Our Impact

We create a collaborative environment by bringing together leaders from nine different faiths.
Faiths Forum for London is a multi-faith network devoted to working with key stakeholders to improve religious institutions and oppose injustice. We bring together community leaders and members by representing over 200 places of worship in London, creating a world where people of all backgrounds have open deliberation and strong connections with one another.
By partnering with high organisations such as the Cabinet Office, Twitter, the Football Association, and the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime, we aim to promote and enhance healthy interfaith relations in the UK.

Our Impact
Whether it is the social unrest caused by the Ukraine war, the economic crisis faced by Sri Lanka, or the socio-political challenges faced by Afghanistan, one thing is clear: social cohesion, not only on a global, but also on a communal level, is more important than ever.
Nonetheless, hate crime, racially motivated violence, and intrafaith conflicts are on the rise. In 2021, the Home Office documented around 124,091 hate crimes perpetrated in the UK, with 53% of them being religiously or racially motivated, recording a 12% rise from the previous year.
With rising prejudice, violence, and discrimination not only against but also among social groups, particularly minorities, we as a multifaith organisation believe faith and religion are foundations that promote unity, peace, and reconciliation, and should thus be viewed as a source of resolution rather than unrest. We therefore bring together faith leaders and members from around the country, in partnership with stakeholders from various sectors and professions, to foster open discourse with the intention of making communities more inclusive and welcoming.